This page is intended for identification required by EconPartner as because you have a role and/or an affiliation with a company that is engaged in a customer relationship with our firm.
According to our authorization, administered by The Financal Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet), as an accountancy firm we are obligated to perform customer due dilligence before undertaking new customer relations, as required by the Money Laundering Act.
We have choosen to complete our process of customer due dilligence electronically by applying BankID/Buypass as proof of identification.
Electronic identification
We recommend using an electronic ID as identification. Follow the instructions below. If any problems occur when signing with BankID, please choose «can not log in or sign with BankID» on the BankID log in window.
If you are unable to provide an electronic ID we require a list of licensees with proof of identification as a confirmed copy, recevied from an approved entity or a physical list provided to our firm during a personal meeting in our offices. As proof of identification we accept drivers license, passport and bank cards with a photo.
Please fill out the form below – it will only take a few minutes.